

The VFX Voice Effect Processor

Radio Electronics

The VFX Voice Effects Processor is a low cost stand-alone Digital Signal Processing Board that produces three different special effects on voice signals.  It incorporates the Analog Devices ADSP-2105 processor and a codec for voice input and output.

The VFX processor was written up in Radio Electronics Magazine in September 1992. Article reprints are available by request from ADI and online here. Kits and test assemblies are also available.

Download an article reprint in Adobe Acrobat Reader format.




1. Introduction

2. Architecture

3. Program 1, Harmonizer algorithm

4. Program 2, Echo algorithm

5. Program 3, Reverb algorithm

6. Program 4, Test mode

7. Hardware description

8. VFX Construction

9. Hardware checkout and operation

10. Where to go from here

Appendix A The FFT

Appendix B The ADSP-2105

Appendix C The FDAS digital filter design software

Appendix D List of Materials for the VFX processor