

VFX Article, Chapter 8

8. VFX Construction

The VFX processor is very easy to build. All the necessary components including a double sided PCB (plated through holes, solder masked and silk-screened), all IC's, semiconductors and passive components are available from the source listed at the end of the article. A microphone, DC wall transformer and headphones are optional if you don't have these discarded from an old Walkman and tape-recorder. Mount the components according to the silk-screen provided beginning with the resistors. Next install the capacitors, the crystal, switches, jacks, voltage regulator (U7) and then all of the IC sockets, in that order. Note that the input and output jacks can be incorrectly installed in their opposite locations. The output jack has three terminals so be sure to install it in the position marked OUTPUT, J2. This is so that if you use headphones you'll hear sound from both sides. Be sure to orient the polarized capacitors correctly. Do not install the IC's yet and don't remove them from their packaging yet. When you've completed the installation and soldering, carefully double check parts placement and look for solder splashes and bridging on the printed circuit board. The solder mask greatly reduces the chance of these kinds of soldering problems but they can destroy IC's so it is worth double checking.

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